5X Sales Funnel

WordPress vs Thinkific: Which Platform is Better for Course Creators?

In the world of online course selling, many creators desire a platform that allows them to establish their own brand without relying on third-party intermediaries. However, the fear of going it alone often holds them back. While platforms like Thinkific may seem like a convenient option, it’s essential to explore alternative choices that offer greater control and flexibility.

In this article, we’ll compare Thinkific with WordPress and discuss the advantages of choosing one over the other for your course-selling venture.

Design Customization

Thinkific offers a straightforward setup process that’s why many non-technical people prefer it, but it lacks customization options. As an independent thinker and brand builder, you want your website to reflect your unique vision. With WordPress, you have complete control over every aspect of your site, allowing you to align it with your brand identity and future business goals.

Community Building

Establishing a community where students can engage, share their experiences, and seek guidance is crucial for long-term success. While Thinkific offers limited community-building features, WordPress provides a robust ecosystem of plugins and tools that empower you to create an interactive and supportive community for your students.


Adding game-like elements, achievements, badges, and progress tracking to your courses can significantly enhance the learning experience. Thinkific falls short in this area, whereas WordPress offers intuitive plugins and functionalities to gamify your course content, making it engaging and delightful for learners.

Dynamic Course & Lesson Pages

Thinkific’s course and lesson pages have limited customization options, resulting in a static and uninteresting experience for learners. Conversely, WordPress empowers you to design visually appealing and unique course pages, setting you apart from other course sellers and capturing the attention of your audience.

Dedicated Pages

Thinkific lacks the ability to create landing pages, sales pages, checkout pages and thankyou pages. WordPress provides a wide range of tools and plugins to design and optimize these pages, enabling you to create targeted marketing campaigns and enhance the overall user experience.

Blog Integration

Maintaining a blog alongside your courses can be a powerful way to attract organic traffic and establish authority in your niche. WordPress seamlessly integrates blogging functionality, allowing you to combine your blog and course content in one place. Thinkific does not offer customizable blog features, limiting your ability to leverage content marketing strategies effectively.


Thinkific’s Grow plan is priced at $149 per month. This plan includes unlimited courses, three communities, 20 spaces per community, and support from two administrators. While it offers a range of features, it comes at a relatively higher cost.

On the other hand, the 5X Sales Funnel’s PRO plan on WordPress provides even more features at a significantly lower price. For just $69 per month, you get unlimited courses, unlimited sales funnels, unlimited landing pages, unlimited automation, unlimited CRM contacts, unlimited email sequences, recurring subscriptions, an advanced video player, Advanced community building features and support from a highly skilled team. The 5X PRO plan offers scalability and a solid funnel design, ensuring a return on investment (ROI) for your course selling business.

Comparing the prices, Thinkific’s Grow plan costs $149 per month, which amounts to $1788 per year. In contrast, the 5X Sales Funnel’s PRO plan costs only $69 per month, totaling $828 per year. This significant price difference allows you to save money while accessing advanced features that can enhance your course sales and marketing efforts.

With 5X Sales Funnel’s PRO plan, you not only benefit from a cost-effective solution but also gain access to a platform built on WordPress, which offers more customization options, greater control over your website, and the ability to integrate additional functionalities to meet your specific needs as a course creator.

If you were to build a similar funnel-based website like ours from scratch, it would cost you more than $1500 per year, not to mention the time and effort required. With the 5X Sales Funnel’s PRO plan, you can save both time and money while leveraging the expertise and support of our team to make your course selling business a success.


When evaluating the best platform for course creators, WordPress emerges as the superior choice over Thinkific. Its unmatched customization options, community-building capabilities, gamification features, dynamic page designs, blog integration, and cost-effectiveness make it an ideal solution for entrepreneurs seeking complete control and flexibility in their course-selling journey. Embrace WordPress and unlock the potential to create a thriving online course business while retaining ownership of your brand and user data.

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