5X Sales Funnel

WordPress vs Teachable: Which Platform is Best for Course Creators and Coaches?

In today’s competitive market of course creators, standing out and being distinguished is crucial for success. While Teachable offers integrated features related to courses and content, it falls short in many areas that can make a significant impact on your business. In this article, we will explore why WordPress may be the best option for you compared to Teachable, and we’ll delve into the long-term benefits of setting up your own site.

Customizable Designing

One of the limitations of Teachable is its lack of customization options. With WordPress, you have the freedom to design your site according to your brand, user needs, and personal preferences. This flexibility allows you to create a unique and tailored experience for your audience.

Community Building Capability

Unlike Teachable, WordPress empowers you to build and nurture your own community of superfans and loyal customers. When customers purchase your courses on your WordPress site, you have their information at your fingertips, enabling you to engage with them, remarket to them, and establish stronger relationships.


Gamification is a highly sought-after feature in course selling websites. Unfortunately, Teachable does not offer the option to incorporate live gamification elements into your platform. In contrast, WordPress provides the opportunity to set achievements, ranks, badges, and certificates, motivating your students and enhancing their learning experience.

Boring Course & Lesson Pages

On Teachable, your course and lesson pages may end up looking similar to those of other creators on the platform. With WordPress, you have unlimited options to create visually appealing and engaging pages that truly reflect your brand identity, making your courses stand out from the competition.

Dedicated Checkout Pages/Thank You Pages

Dedicated landing pages, sales pages, checkout pages, and thank you pages add value to your brand and establish you as an authority in the eyes of your customers. WordPress allows you the freedom to design these pages uniquely, creating a seamless and enjoyable customer journey. Teachable does not offer the same level of flexibility in these areas.

Limited Payment Processors

Teachable has limitations when it comes to the payment processors it accepts. WordPress, on the other hand, offers compatibility with a wide range of payment processors, giving you more options and flexibility in accepting payments from your customers.


While Teachable may be touted as easy to use and integrated with course creation and selling tools, its pricing can be expensive compared to the features it offers. The basic plan at $39/month and the Pro plan at $119/month may not be suitable for beginners or creators who are not yet generating significant revenue from their courses. Moreover, the Teachable Business Plan, priced at $499/month, is highly expensive when compared to WordPress. With WordPress, you can easily incorporate all the features of the Teachable Business Plan, such as 20 admin & author seats, advanced theme customizations, custom user roles, and bulk student enrollment, at a more affordable price. At 5X Sales Funnel, we offer even more features than the Teachable Business Plan, providing you with enhanced capabilities and value.


When considering the options for course creators and coaches, WordPress emerges as the superior choice compared to Teachable. Its customizable design options, community building capabilities, gamification features, and cost-effectiveness make it an ideal platform for those seeking to establish their brand, engage their audience, and drive course sales. With the 5X Sales Funnel’s PRO plan, powered by WordPress, you not only gain access to advanced functionalities within WordPress but also receive dedicated support throughout your journey to success. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unleash your potential and build a thriving course-selling business with WordPress. Say goodbye to the limitations of Teachable and embrace the power and flexibility of WordPress

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