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Email Marketing Plugins for Course Creators Selling Courses on WordPress

If you’re a course creator using WordPress to sell your courses, email marketing can be a game-changer for reaching potential students, nurturing leads, and boosting your course sales. But what exactly is email marketing? Think of it as sending helpful and engaging messages directly to people’s email inboxes to keep them interested in your courses and encourage them to take action. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the email marketing plugins that we have tried for our WordPress website. These plugins make it super easy to connect with your audience and grow your online course business.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a way for course creators like you to send informative and friendly emails to your potential and existing students. You can share exciting updates about your favorite topics, new course launches, and valuable tips. These emails help you build a strong connection with your audience, provide them with valuable content, and gently remind them about your awesome courses.


Mailchimp is a popular email marketing plugin that’s like having a magical helper who takes care of all your email needs. It’s super easy to use, even for beginners! With Mailchimp, you can create beautiful email campaigns, design eye-catching templates, and set up automated emails that go out at just the right time. Plus, you’ll get to see how many people open your emails and click on your links, so you’ll know what’s working well.


ConvertKit is a smart and supportive sidekick for course creators like you. This plugin is perfect for nurturing your leads and turning them into happy students. ConvertKit helps you create personalized email sequences that send the right message to the right person at the right time. You can even tag your subscribers based on their interests, making it feel like you’re talking directly to each individual – pretty cool, right?

Fluent CRM

After trying all the other plugins we switched to Fluent CRM because we love it’s email marketing capability. It is an all-in-one solution that helps you manage not only your emails but also your contacts, automation, and even your customer relationship right within your WordPress website. With Fluent CRM, you can easily send targeted emails to specific groups of people, track their actions, and create powerful automation sequences to engage with them automatically.

How Email Marketing Helps You Sell More Courses

Email Marketing builds a friendly relationship with your potential students. By sending regular emails with helpful content, course updates, and limited-time offers, you keep your courses fresh in their minds. This familiarity and trust can nudge them to take action and enroll in your courses, boosting your sales and growing your online course business.


Email marketing serves as a steadfast companion, facilitating the establishment of connections with your target audience and boosting course sales. The utilization of exceptional plugins such as Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and Fluent CRM ensures effortless management of your email marketing endeavors. These plugins seamlessly integrate with your WordPress website, streamlining the process of engaging potential students and nurturing leads. Embrace the prospect of crafting remarkable emails, fostering robust relationships, and witnessing the flourishing of your online course business. Wishing you success and satisfaction in your emailing pursuits!

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