5X Sales Funnel


Build the Ultimate 5X Sales Funnel Delivery System that will work 24×7 to convert your visitors into Leads and Leads into Customers. The perfect automated and effective sales funnel that will nurture, qualify and lead your visitors to taking the next logical step.

Your website and your Funnel are the most crucial part of your Business Toolbox. This is your Digital Home, your automated sales engine that is going to talk to every prospect of yours and introduce your Brand, your Products, your Courses as well as showcase your Unique value.

The 5X Funnel is superior to holding Webinars (Automated or In-person)
It is superior to Whatsapp classes. ordinary Mini Courses, Video Sales Letters or other type of Lead magnets.

This course will teach you to build the 5X Website using WordPress from scratch without any outside help. You will not need a developer or any IT specialist. Watch the lessons and just follow along to build your own 5X Funnel.

Buy the 5X Stack (All Access Pass)

Who is this course for?

This course is specifically built for the following audience:

– Course Creators who want to sell and market their courses effectively
– Coaches & Trainers who want to educate and convert new clients
– Consultants who want to showcase their expertise and get high ticket clients
– Service Providers who want to generate incoming leads at scale
– Digital Agencies who want to showcase their services and talents to get clients

What will You Learn?

You will learn to build an entire website from scratch on WordPress starting from hosting your domain right upto setting up your Sales and Premium course. From Sales Funnels to Course Landing Pages to Automation where you map & tag your learners into your CRM followed with Email Automation, you will have it all. This is a comprehensive course containing over 10 hours of Tutorials and will be added to continuously.

How is this course different?

This is a practical action oriented course wherein you get to see over the shoulder of our lead instructor building the site right in front of your eyes. All the lessons are bite sized and will empower you to take immediate concrete action. Within a week you will have built the complete site and powered in functionally. All that will be needed is for you to fill up the content before you are ready to get to market.

Unlike other courses in the market, this is not a theoretical experiment. This is the exact funnel that this particular website uses. Everything that we teach you are things that we use ourselves.

Course Content Overview

Can you afford to lose out on Leads, Customers and Revenue?

85% of course creators, coaches, trainers and service providers struggle to sustainably get their leads and paid clients. This sales funnel will change all of that. Build the ultimate website featuring the 5X Sales funnel and change the trajectory of your Coaching or Course Membership business.

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