5X Sales Funnel


Build customer centric strong courses and offers that will add value to your learners,
lead them towards a transformation and enhance your reputation as a Coach.

A strong Product and an Offer are the foundation of an effective Sales cycle. Even the best sales funnels in the world can’t sell a Bad product.

Take this short yet powerful course and build a strong foundation for your business.

Buy the 5X Stack (All Access Pass)

Who is this course for?

This course is specifically built for the following audience:

– Course Creators who want to sell and market their courses effectively
– Coaches & Trainers who want to educate and convert new clients
– Consultants who want to showcase their expertise and get high ticket clients
– Service Providers who want to generate incoming leads at scale
– Digital Agencies who want to showcase their services and talents to get clients

What will You Learn?

You will learn to create Value adding Digital products and Offers in this powerful course. If you have ever struggled at deciding what kind of courses should you create, how to structure the products, then this is the course for you.

By the end of this course you will have at least 8-10 different Digital products, plus One recurring subscription Product as well as a Premium High Ticket Product. This course will also teach you to convert your Products into Irresistible Offers that will compel your visitors to click the BUY button. After all, what good is a product if it doesn’t sell.

How is this course different?

This is a practical action oriented course wherein you get to see over the shoulder of our lead instructor systematically building the products right in front of your eyes. All the lessons are bite sized and will empower you to take immediate concrete action.

Unlike other courses in the market, this is not a theoretical experiment. This is the exact framework that this particular business and website uses. Everything that we teach you are things that we use ourselves.

Course Content Overview